Ananthamoola Catechu

Also Known As : Indian Sarsapilla
Technical Name : Hemidesmus indicus


Usage Tips

  1. Anantmool roots are boiled and used in teas and coffee as an ingredient. Also it is used as a paste in dishes as a spice.

Common names and forms

  1. Katha Powder (Acacia Catechu) (Heart-Wood)


Anantmool is a climber found throughout india. Leaves are 2.5 inches long and alternatively arranged in a pair. Upper part is oval in shape and it is very soft. There are two varieties of this shrub which are demarcated by the color of their flowers, one of them is called as shvetasariva and other is called krishnasariva.

Health benefits

  • Anantmool is used in managing disorders of the reproductive system in females.(1)
  • It is a very good natural detoxification herb.(1)
  • It also purifies blood and improves skin texture.(1)
  • It ails diarrhea and dysentery.(1)
  • It can also be used for gout and arthritis.(1)

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