
Also Known As : Banana, dessert banana, plantain, cooking banana (English), Banane, bananier (France), Banane, Bananen, Bananenpisang, Bananenstaude (German), barbaro, zapolete (Mexico), Mauz, Mazw, Moaz, Mouz, Moz (Arabic), Jiao (Tsiu, Chiu), Xiangjiao, Shang chao fua (Chinese), Kelaa (Hindi), Banana, Banane (Italian), Panana (Korean), Vazha, Vazhei (Tamil), Kadali (Nepalese), Balayhanu (Kannada), Artipandu (Telegu).
Technical Name : Musa acuminata


Taste Profile

Bananas may have a more or less sweet flavor, depending on the variety.

Usage Tips

  1. Fresh yellow bananas are commonly consumed as desserts.
  2. Bananas should be stored at room temperature away from direct heat and sunlight as it may aggravate the ripening process.
  3. As the bananas ripen, they hasten the ripening of other fruits in their vicinity. Thus, on ripening, the bananas should be removed from the basket or shelf where other fruits are kept.

Common names and forms

  1. Banana frozen
  2. Banana Fruit
  3. Banana Pulp
  4. Banana Ripe
  5. Chopped banana
  6. Frozen banana
  7. Hygienically Spray Dried Fruit Banana
  8. Mashed banana
  9. Pureed Banana
  10. Real Banana
  11. Ripe Banana
  12. Ripe Banana Solids
  13. Ripe Bananas (Medium)
  14. Riped Banana Slices
  15. Sliced ripe banana


Banana is a lengthy yellow fruit, found in groups of three to twenty fruits. Bananas are believed to have been the world's first cultivated fruit. It is generally believed that bananas originated in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific around 8000 to 5000 BC. Bananas can be harvested throughout the year.There are various varieties of banana that are consumed. The most commonly consumed variety is Cavendish banana, which are mildly sweet when they are ripe. Other varieties of banana grown worldwide are Plantain or green banana - they are large, have more starch and less sweetness than Cavendish variety and are often used for cooking. Red banana- which is very short and plump but it is sweeter than Cavendish banana. Lady finger variety of bananas is thinner and slightly shorter than the normal banana but is so sweet that they can be eaten as a dessert. Bananas are predominantly produced in Asia, Latin America and Africa. India and China are the biggest producers of banana. In India Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Maharashtra are the top most banana producing states.

Health benefits

  • Bananas contain two main types of fiber: Pectin which decreases as the banana ripens and Resistant starch, which is found in unripe bananas. These fibers provide favorable environment to feed healthy gut bacteria which helps in digestion and prevents colon cancer. (1)
  • Bananas are one of the great dietary sources of potassium and magnesium. A diet rich in these nutrients can help lower blood pressure and lower the risk of heart diseases. (1)
  • Banana contains several potential antioxidants like dopamine and catechins. These antioxidants may help to reduce damage from free radicals and lower the risk of some chronic diseases like cancer, irregular blood pressure, stroke etc. (1)
  • Bananas are a good dietary source of potassium which plays a vital role in kidney functioning by maintaining sodium –potassium balance in the body. Studies reveal that women who consumed bananas 2–3 times per week were 33% less likely to develop kidney disease. (1)
  • Banana contains lectin which helps in preventing the growth of cancer cells in the body. This makes banana a potential food to act against the cell damage in cancer. (2)
  • Medium- sized bananas have good content of Vitamin C which aids the absorption of iron, prevents cell damage and helps in release of serotonin (a hormone that regulates sleep cycle). (3)
  • Banana has a storehouse of three natural sugars – sucrose, fructose and glucose which acts as a potential source of fat and cholesterol free source of energy. (3)
  • Banana peel is also eaten in many parts of the world as it contains high amounts of vitamin B6, B12,magnesium, potassium. some fiber and protein.(4)

Selection Guide

Avoid bananas with brown spots that seem very soft.  Banana with solid yellow skin color speckled with brown color is considered best in quality.  Don't opt for bananas that have a strong odor as it indicates over ripeness.


People with diabetes should avoid eating bananas or atleast control the amout in which it is consumed as it may shoot up the blood glucose levels rapidly. (1)

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