Bhangjeera Seeds

Also Known As : Perilla frutescens


Usage Tips

  1. Bhanjeera seeds can be roasted and ground with salt, chilis, and tomatoes to make a spicy chutney. It can be used in salad dressings and in dipping sauces.The seeds are used to extract oil, used as a cooking oil and as a condiment.


Bhangjeera seeds are the aromatic seeds of annual herbal plant, Perilla frutescens, grown in the upper reaches of Himalaya. The seeds of perilla are small, greyish in color, globular in shape and weigh about 4 grams. They are used as a spice and to prepare flavored chutney. The oil is also extracted from bhangjeera seeds, is used in cooking or as a medicine. They are a good source of essential omega fatty acids, Omega 3 & Omega 6. 

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