Black Chokeberries

Also Known As : Aronia berries
Technical Name : Aronia melanocarpa


Taste Profile

Black chokeberries are tart and sweet in taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Black chokeberries can be used to make jams and jellies, juice or wine.
  2. They can also be added to pickles or can be used as a natural food dye.

Common names and forms

  1. Aronia


Black chokeberries are very small in size, and are glossy and purple-black in color when ripe. The dark skin is relatively thick and its flesh within is a bright reddish-purple. in color.

Health benefits

  • They contain fiber which help to remove constipation, diarrhea, cramping, bloating, and general stomach discomfort.(1)
  • Anthocyanins present in it reduce oxidative stress in the brain.(1)
  • They also helps to boost immunity.(1)
  • Carotenes found in it helps to reduce oxidative stress in the eyes and prevent the development of cataracts.(1)
  • They contain Dietary fiber which keep blood sugar levels normal and prevents the spikes and drops that can be dangerous to those who are suffering from diabetes.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose those that are plump, fresh, uniform, shiny. Avoid those berries that are mottled.


Overconsumption of Black Chokeberries can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort. Breastfeeding mothers or expectant women should not consume it.(2)

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