
Taste Profile

Black quinoa has a nutty taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Black quinoa can be cooked on its own as a dish.
  2. It can also be used in salads, as a breakfast porridge, in casseroles and other dishes.

Common names and forms

  1. Black Quinoa Seeds


Black quinoa is the gluten-free small seeds, black in colour obtained from a flowering plant in amaranth family. It has slightly firm texture and can be considered as an alternative to rice and couscous.

Health benefits

  • Black quinoa is rich source of proteins which contains much of the essential amino acids.(1)
  • It contains good amount of dietary fibre which is essential for maintaining good digestive health.(1)
  • It supplies iron which helps red blood cells to carry oxygen to various body parts.(1)
  • It contains folate which is essential for healthy skin, hair as well as for proper functioning of the nervous system.(1)

Selection Guide

Check the 'use by date' on the packaging of black quinoa and make sure that seeds are dust and debris free.

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