Bourbon vanilla beans

Also Known As : Madagascar vanilla beans


Taste Profile

They taste creamy and sweet, with vanillin overtones.

Usage Tips

  1. Bourbon vanilla beans can kept indefinitely in a cool, dark place in an airtight container. Dried and withered beans can be rehydrated in a warm liquid and used. They be added to beef bourguignon and beef stew. They can be roasted along with pork tenderloin and fruit. the beans can be used as swizzle sticks in bar drinks. They can also be used to make vanilla extract used to flavour cakes, icecreams, cookies, sauces and other desserts.

Common names and forms

  1. Natural Bourbon Vanilla Beans


Bourbon vanilla beans are plump, long(12 plus  cm in length), slender vanilla beans with a nice dark color and sweet aroma. They have thick, oily skin and contain an abundance of tiny seeds. They have a high vanillin content and are grown in Madagascar and other islands in the Indian Ocean. It is the most commonly used variety in vanilla extract.

Selection Guide

Go for plump bourbon vanilla beans with a thin skin to get the maximum seeds possible. Squeeze the beans between your fingers to test the seeds in them. Avoid the beans with very little scent, are smoky or brittle.

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