Brown Rice Syrup

Also Known As : Rice syrup, rice malt syrup


Taste Profile

It has a sweet taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Brown rice syrup is used in many organic and health food products, such as breakfast cereal and snack bars, as an alternative to white sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners.
  2. Brown rice syrup is the sweetener found in some drinks, such as rice milk.
  3. Most brown rice syrup is used in processed food in place of high-fructose corn syrup.


Brown rice syrup is a sweetener derived from brown rice. It is made by fermenting brown rice, breaking the starches down with certain enzymes, and then reducing the substance until it reaches a syrup-like consistency. Broken down, brown rice syrup is basically pure glucose. In traditional practices, brown rice syrup is created by adding a small number of sprouted barley grains (barley malt) to cooked, whole brown rice in a solution of heated water, similar to the production of beer wort. Brown rice syrup is not a healthier option compared to white sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, or other sugar alternatives. Just because it's not refined sugar and appears in many organic foods doesn’t mean it’s necessarily healthy.

Selection Guide

Make sure to check the "use by" date before buying. Read the label carefully to know well about all the ingredients.

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