Cayenne Pepper

Also Known As : Chilli pepper, African pepper, Hari mirch
Technical Name : Capsicum annuum


Taste Profile

It is pungent in taste.

Common names and forms

  1. Aged Cayenne Red Peppers
  2. Cayyane pepper


The name 'cayenne pepper' is derived from the city of Cayenne in French Guiana. It is skinny in appearance,red in colour and has a curved tip. It is used in whole form fresh or dried as well as in powdered form in cooking spicy dishes.

Health benefits

  • Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin that helps to reduce the chance of a heart attack or stroke.(1)
  • Capsaicin helps boost metabolism.(1)
  • It improves the health of blood vessels and lowers the risk of blood pressure.(1)

Selection Guide

Select ripe cayenne pepper with a bright and even color. The ripe pepper is usually green or red.


Overconsuming of cayenne pepper can cause kidney and liver damage.(2)

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