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Dhana Dal

Also Known As : Dhaniya Dal, Roasted Coriander seeds


Taste Profile

It has a slightly bitter taste.


Dhana dal, commonly served as a mouth freshener in India, is prepared by roasting coriander seeds with a pinch of salt. But this old Indian practice can do much more than just beat bad breath. It is a small aromatic herb that has a lot of culinary uses across the globe. It is filled with fibers that improves digestion and is good to improve bowel movement. Dhana dal can be excellent if you want to set your digestion on track. Some of the compounds found in coriander seeds like linalool and borneol aid in digestion and regulate bowel movements. It is anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory in nature, and hence, consuming dhana dal after meals have many medicinal benefits.

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