Giloi Juice

Also Known As : Guduchi juice, Giloi Juice


Taste Profile

It has a bitter taste.


Giloi is an Indian herb that has been widely used by Ayurveda since ages. It is known as as "Amrita" in Sanskrit that translates to "the roots and stems of immortality". Giloi juice is a green color juice prepared from the stems and roots of Giloi plant. They are put in a mixer grinder along with some water. The mashed ingredients are filtered using a cloth and giloi juice is obtained, eliminating the residual.

Health benefits

  • Giloi juice enhances the metabolism that is beneficial for boosting immunity..(1)
  • It increases metabolism which further eliminates the accumulation of fats from the body and promotes weight loss.(1)
  • It acts as a hypoglycemic agent and helps to cure diabetes..(1)
  • It is used as an adaptogenic herb that helps to reduce stress and anxiety..(1)
  • It helps to smoothens the pain during chemotherapy and cures cancer..(1)
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties that helps to treat respiratory problems.(1)

Selection Guide

Look for all-natural giloi juice that contains no added sugar, color or flavour.


Giloy juice consumption should be monitored as it may interfere with normal blood sugar levels. As it makes immune system more active, it may cause symptoms related to autoimmune conditions like lupus or multiple sclerosis.(2) 

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