Grey Mullet

Also Known As : Flathead grey mullet, Flathead mullet, Black mullet, Striped mullet, Bully mullet, Black true mullet, Bright mullet, Grey mullet, Common mullet, Sea mullet, Mullet, Callifaver mullet, Capitán, Common grey mullet, Flathead grey mullet, Formosan gray mullet, Formosan grey mullet and Galapagos mullet.
Technical Name : Mugil Cephalus


Taste Profile

It has a moderate fresh flavour from clean waters, but a muddy taste when caught in brackish or sweet water.  

Common names and forms

  1. ParsheFish


Grey mullet is one of three mullet species which occur in northern European waters. Grey mullet has an upper lip that is thick, prominent and hard, giving it the nickname “thick-lipped” mullet. It is a type of fish with olive-green back and silvery sides and a streak of white towards its  belly. It is about 50 cm long.As an algae eater, grey mullet is a very clean, vegetarian fish whose roe are also considered a delicacy. 


Health benefits

  1. Carbohydrate content found in mullet is used as a power source that could achieve regular nutritional needs of the body. Additionally, mullets have fat, protein and carbohydrate that serve as a source of body required for the body. (1)

  2. Mullets have fatty acid content which is essential to maintain healthy hair and skin. It also prevents drying and flaking. (1)

  3. The protein content in mullet is useful to promote the healing of wounds. Protein has a role of regenerasi cells in the body. (1)

Selection Guide

Buy Grey Mullet from fresh water bodies. Best bought between September and February.

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