Hand pounded White Rice

Also Known As : Kaikuthal arisi


Taste Profile

It has a mild, nutty flavor.

Usage Tips

  1. Hand pounded rice can be cooked into any rice dish. They can be boiled or cooked plain and served with any dal, gravy for sambar.

Common names and forms

  1. Hand- Pound Rice


Hand pounded rice are rice processed using hand techniques instead of machines. Their husk is removed by using a stone grinder or a stone apparatus similar to a mortar and pestle. It is considered superior to the fully polished rice and have higher nutrient value when compared to machine pounded rice.

Health benefits

  • Hand pounded rice contains complex carbs that provide a feeling of fullness and helps in weight management.(1)
  • They have low glycemic index and are beneficial for diabetics..(1)
  • Amino acids present in them help to reduces the chances of having a fatty liver..(1)
  • The magnesium content in hand pounded rice helps in better blood circulation..(1)
  • They contain selenium that helps in normalising thyroid, colon functions as well as preventing cancer. .(1)
  • Antioxidants in them lower the symptoms of asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis. .(1)

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