Isolated Pea Protein


Taste Profile

It has natural, earthy taste of peas unless refined with flavors.

Usage Tips

  1. Pea Protein Isolate can be used to help enrich many dishes, including pancakes, breads, or muffins.
  2. It is used in bakery, pastry, confectionery, dairy products and desserts.
  3. Pea protein displays very good meat binding properties (meat extender) or even texture (meat substitute) in different applications.

Common names and forms

  1. Pea Protein Isolate


Pea Protein Isolate is derived from yellow peas that have been processed using a cold-water filtration method to reduce or remove much of the added starch and fiber content that is naturally-occurring within the pea. Isolated pea protein are plant based protein powders produced by drying and grinding peas into a fine flour. The flour is then mixed with water to remove the fibre and starch, which then leaves the protein, vitamins and minerals in paste form. The paste is then dried and grounded further to produce the pea protein powder. Pea Protein Isolate is rich in Leucine, Arginine, Glutamine, and all remaining branch chain and essential amino acids and thus, offers a range of health benefits. It may be especially helpful for people trying to increase muscle mass, like bodybuilders or older adults.

Selection Guide

Be sure to check the label carefully before buying. First, check the sugar content. Also, watch out for hidden sugars, like dextrose and xylitol, in the ingredient list. Look for trustworthy companies with third-party testing to ensure you are getting a clean pea protein. 

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