
Also Known As : Chinese dates, Korean dates, Red dates or Tsao
Technical Name : Ziziphus jujuba


Taste Profile

Jujube's flavor can range from sweet and sour to caramel apple, depending on variety and ripeness.

Usage Tips

  1. Jujubes can be added to sautéed vegetables for an unusual sweet twist.
  2. It can also be used to make wine.
  3. Jujube can be used to make cake or cookies.

Common names and forms

  1. Jujube Fruit Powder
  2. Kul (Jujube)


Jujubes can be found in either oval or round shape and vary in size from a large grape to a golf ball. They can look like a yellowish crab apple covered with a firm brown skin. Depending on their variety, coloring can range from a speckled yellow-green to brown. In the center of Jujubes, is a hard pointed inedible seed, surrounded by a uniquely textured pith that is both crisp and airy.When it is dried, it forms a powder that is available in the market in the name of JuJube powder.

Health benefits

  • They are rich in vitamin C which boosts immunity.(1)


Jujube contains dietary fibers and its over consumption may give rise to various problems such as poor absorption of nutrients by the intestines, stomach discomfort, intestinal gas or intestinal blockage.(2)

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