
Taste Profile

They have a unique earthy and nutty flavor.

Usage Tips

  1. Soak the Ladakhi peas in water and boil to consume it as a lentil in dals, soups, stews and traditional dishes like ragda.
  2. They can be added to risotto, pasta and pulao. Mash and stuff them in parathas or mix with vegetables to make kebabs or cutlets.


Ladakhi Peas are naturally occuring and endangered variety of peas from Ladakh. They are well suited to Ladakh's peculiar geo-climatic conditions.

Health benefits

  • Ladakhi peas are a good source of protein and energy.(1)
  • They contain calcium which reduces the symptoms of a premenstrual syndromes like dizziness and mood swings.(1)
  • They also contain potassium which is important for bone formation.(1)
  • They are also helpful for heart health.(1)
  • Ladakhi peas are good for digestive health.(1)

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