Medjool Dates

Also Known As : Mejhool dates, Medjoul dates, or Majhool dates
Technical Name : Phoenix dactylifera


Taste Profile

They taste like a sweet mix of caramel, cinnamon and honey.

Usage Tips

  1. They can make a delicious appetizer or snack when stuffed with various ingredients like goat cheese.
  2. They can be used in both raw and cooked preparations.
  3. Their large size lends well for stuffing with sweet or savory fillings such as marzipan, candied orange, lemon peel, tahini, goat or blue cheese, bacon, or nuts like almonds, pecans, walnuts, and pistachios.
  4. They can be stored safely for about a month to a month and a half at room temperature, up to 6 months in the fridge, and up to a year in the freezer.
  5. They are perfect for making date paste, chocolate mousse, chia pudding. They can be added to smoothies.
  6. They can be used in savory dishes like curries, salads, Moroccan-style slow-cooked stews, and Middle Eastern pilafs.

Common names and forms

  1. Premium Exotic Medjool Dates


Medjool dates are very large, extremely sweet and exceptionally meaty. Their glossy brown skin is tender and supple and encases a dark amber interior. They are slightly chewy and succulent and the meaty pulp surrounds an elongated pit that is occasionally removed before packaging. They are plump and cylindrical in shape. They are considered to be a soft variety of dates. They have always been immensely popular throughout the Middle East. Medjool date was historically used by the Ancient Egyptians for making some of the earliest forms of wine, and by the Muslims during Ramadan. Medjool date has originated in Morocco. They are available throughout the year. They can also be used in savory dishes like curries, salads, Moroccan-style slow-cooked stews, and Middle Eastern pilafs.

Health benefits

  • Medjool dates help to lower cholesterol due to the fiber present in it.(1)
  • They also help to reduce blood triglyceride levels.(1)
  • They give relief from constipation.(1)
  • Potassium found in Medjool dates helps to regulate blood pressure.(2)
  • They contain B vitamins, such as niacin, pantothenic acid, and folic acid, which are important for regulating the metabolism.(2)
  • Medjool dates also contain beta-carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant that supports eye health.(2)

Selection Guide

Select medjool dates that are intact, moist. Avoid those dates that are shriveled or those with mold or large sugar crystals on the skin.


They may cause food allergy with symptoms such as a runny nose, tongue swelling, itchy eyes or facial redness.(3)

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