Natural Sour Powder Of Monkey Jack Fruit

Also Known As : Lakuch, Lakooch (Hindi), Lakucha, Otehuli, Vatehuli (Kannada), Airawata , Amlaka, Dahu, Dridhavalkala, Granthimatphala (Sanskrit), Theitat (Urdu)


Taste Profile

The taste is a mixture of sweet, tangy and sour.

Usage Tips

  1. It is widely used in northern India for making pickle and vinegar preparations.
  2. Fermented unripe pieces of the fruit in vinegar, with garlic, mango and chillies are added for a spicy touch.
  3. When ripe it is slightly sour and is mostly used for chutneys.
  4. The dried slices impart a special flavor to meat and fish curries, particularly in west India, and are considered a counterbalance to oil.
  5. It is also sliced, dried and used as a substitute for tamarind.


Monkey jack fruit is a tropical evergreen tree species of the Moraceae family. It is well known for its green to a dull yellow colored fruits which finally settle on a pinkish brownish yellow tinge when fully ripe. It is known to have its origin in Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia and is available in some Asian countries like Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Its high perishability ensured that the fruit, unlike its close cousins jackfruit, remained restricted to the regions in which it grew. The lakucha fruit is highly nutritious with antioxidant properties of beta-carotene and vitamin C. This fruit has eventually grabbed the attention of various scientists and Ayurvedic physicians who are looking out for various ways in which this magical fruit can be used. It can be eaten either raw or even as a powder. The powder is made after drying teh fruit completely followed by churning it into a powder.

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