Senna Leaves

Also Known As : Senna
Technical Name : Cassia Angustifolia


Taste Profile

It has a slightly sweet and bitter taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Senna leaves can be consumed as a tea or in a powdered form.
  2. Honey or sugar can be added to senna leaf tea.


Senna leaves are the leaves of a herb that is sued to make tea. The senna plant is commonly found in hot and dry regions of Africa and Asia. Its stem grows to a height of one to two metres and it has pinnate leaves and yellow flowers. The fruits grow in husks that are around five centimetres in length. Senna is most often used as a laxative, either to relieve constipation or in some cases, to help with weight loss. Senna is available as a tea, a liquid, a powder, or tablets. Senna tea is most commonly used for occasional constipation. Researchers have found that the active compounds in senna have a strong laxative effect.

Health benefits

  • Senna leaves have antibacterial properties which can treat skin infections such as acne and inflammatory diseases like eczema.(1)
  • Senna leaves extracts are very good to get smooth, shiny and strong hair.(1)
  • Senna leaves are also good for strengthening and thickening the hair.(1)
  • Tea made from senna leaves helps in eliminating toxins and undigested food from the body which helps in weight loss.(1)
  • Senna leaves can provide relief from gas, nausea and heartburn.(1)


Senna leaves should be avoided in pregnancy as it directly affects the gut health. People who are taking blood-thinning medicines should avoid consuming senna tea.(2)

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