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Tartary buckwheat

Also Known As : Bitter buckwheat, Green buckwheat
Technical Name : Fagopyrum tataricum


Taste Profile

Tartary buckwheat tastes more bitter than buckwheat.


Tartary buckwheat is same as common buckwheat but is more frost tolerant. Its seeds are slightly smaller in size. Tartary buckwheat is an edible plant.People use the groats or the seeds of the plant to make tea. Its seeds can also be used to make gluten-free flour. It is green in colour. Tartary buckwheat has arrow-shaped leaves that are tall. Its flowers are small in size, green in color and cluster at the axels of leaves and the ends of stems, typically flowering in early summer. Its seeds are triangular in shape, sandy-gray in color and have predominate lobes along the edges.

Health benefits

  • Tartary buckwheat contains nutrients like protein which boosts muscle mass.(1)
  • It also contains polyphenols, phytosterols, vitamins, carotenoids, and minerals, which contribute to various health benefits such as anti-oxidative, anti-cancer, anti-hypertension, anti-diabetic, cholesterol-lowering, and cognition improving benefits.(1)

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