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Walnut Leaves


Taste Profile

They give off a distinct odor that smells like spiced citrus.

Usage Tips

  1. Walnut leaves are used as a tea.
  2. They are dried and chopped before boiling to make a very strong tea.


Walnut leaves are small, oval-shaped leaflets and they are bright green in color. Each stem of the walnut tree contains multiple leaves in a row on both sides and a terminal leaf on the end of the stem. They are green in spring and summer, and they turn yellow or brown rather than red or orange in the fall.

Health benefits

  • Walnut leaves helps to detoxify blood and treat skin ailments.(1)
  • They are used to purify blood.(1)
  • They also help to treat skin disorders such as eczema, scrofulous diseases ( it is a tuberculosis infection of the lymph nodes in the neck), herpes, etc.(1)
  • They are used as a cure for dandruff, superficial burns, sunburn and scalp itching. -Walnut leaves are used in Turkish folk medicine to eliminate fever or alleviate rheumatic pain.(1)

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