Wild Blueberries

Technical Name : Vaccinium angustifolium


Taste Profile

They have a sweet and tangy taste.

Usage Tips

  1. They can be used in beverages, compotes, purees and gastriques.
  2. They can also be used in pies, pancakes, muffins, ice creams, sorbets, and jams.


Wild blueberries are onyx blue in color, and smaller than most conventionally grown blueberries. The skin of wild blueberries is thinner and flesh is softer with a succulent melting quality. They are grown in Maine, Atlantic Canada and Quebec. They are harvested between July and early September. They are available as frozen, juice, dried and canned.

Health benefits

  • Wild blueberries helps protect against heart disease and stroke.(1)
  • Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties present in it helps to prevent cancer and Alzhemier’s disease.(1)
  • They also help to prevent aging.(1)

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