How can I get my recipe to be featured as Recipe of the Month on GoToChef?

  • GoToChef
  • Jul 12, 2019

For someone who is passionate about cooking, nothing gives more pleasure than sharing their recipes. A cherry on the top will be when your recipe will be featured as the ‘recipe of the month’ in the GoToChef newsletter and social media accounts. By doing what you love, you get recognition and your recipe reaches out to so many people out there.  And the steps to do that are as simple as you find cooking to be.

  1. To begin with, choose a recipe that you think is innovative, the one that is new and creative and original.

  2. After you press the Submit Recipe button, enter a title that gives the name of the recipe. If you have used any unique ingredient, you can use its name in the title. For example, if you have made a parfait using millet, fig and amaranth, the recipe title could be simply “Millet Amaranth Fig Parfait”. This somehow gives an outline of the whole recipe.

  3. An appealing introduction in the ‘Recipe Description’ will make sure that you have the interest of the users. You can even include the story/history behind the recipe (if you’ve an interesting one) or you can also elaborate on the technique used or the reason why you like that particular recipe.

  4. Make sure you fill all the mandatory details, be it Prep Time, Serves, Level etc. This will ensure that anyone who has to make the recipe, will have all the prior knowledge they need.

  5. Another thing the GoToChef community members  would like to know beforehand will be the ingredients. Make sure that you mention each and every ingredient in the list with their correct names and amount. An ingredient used later in the recipe, which has no mention in the ingredient list, will certainly not create a positive impact.

  6. When the ingredients are in place, what remains is to use them properly in the recipe. For this, state each "Step/Method’ very clearly, in a manner that is understandable to someone who is making the recipe for the first time.  

  7. In case you have any cooking tips that you feel should be shared with others, don’t forget to add them in the ‘Recipe Notes’.

  8. And if you know about any allergic reactions the recipe might cause, mentioning it in ‘Allergy Information’ column will be a savior to those having that particular allergy.

  9. After the recipe is made, what remains is to present it. A high quality image and a good  presentation of the recipe will catch everyone’s eye even before they go through the recipe. So, upload the image(s) keeping these points in mind .

  10. Lastly, add tags that match the recipe that you have made. For example, if you have made a gluten free pizza, you can add tags such as #pizza #glutenfree #healthy.

  11. And.. don’t forget to press the ‘Submit’ button.

Once you submit your recipe, wait for 48 hours for us to publish it on our website. 


This is how we choose the best:

  1. If your recipe is innovative and unique, it stands a better chance to be selected over the others.

  2. Then, we’ll see how well you could make use of the points mentioned above i.e. how you have mentioned the ingredients, the prep time etc.;  how appropriately you have written the method, and how good your picture is.

  3. The last factor is the number of views your recipe gets. Hence, sharing the link to your recipe on your social media accounts will further increase your chances to get selected.


So, put on your creative hat now, sprinkle your magic on GoToChef, and stand a chance for your recipe to be featured as the ‘Recipe of The Month’.



Click here to check the video tutorial of the same. 

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