Member Since

10 May, 2020

Eeti Vyas

GoToChef (level 9)










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Product Reviews (786)

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Super Garam Masala Pack 200 grams

This cannot be considered better than the normal garam masala but it can work okay. The taste in nothing special and makes the dish a bit dark in color.

16 May, 2020

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Red Chilli Powder Pack 100 grams

This product in not bad and has a good flavor. It might not work for those who like spicy food as it is not so spicy but would work perfectly otherwise.

16 May, 2020

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English Mustard Plastic Jar 300 grams

This product can not really be categorized as a good one. This looks like english mustard but doesn't really taste like one. The mustard flavor is really mild and is a bit sour.

16 May, 2020

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Barbeque Sauce Plastic Bottle 330 grams

This barbecue sauce may not be considered the best but it is not bad either. It tastes a lot like tomato sauce just a bit of smokiness added. It gives a smokey flavor to your sandwich.

16 May, 2020

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Chilli Organic Sauce Pack 350 grams

This chilli oregano sauce works best with pizza but it works gets along with almost everything. It is moderately spicy and tastes like chilli tomato sauce along with some dry Italian seasoning.

16 May, 2020

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Eggless Burger Mayonnaise Plastic Jar 250 grams

As the the name suggests it works great for burgers. But it is not just limited for burgers, you can always use it as a dip or anything else. As for the taste it is both sweet and spicy.

16 May, 2020

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Ranch Dressing Plastic Bottle 300 grams

This product is not that good but is not really bad either. It tastes okay and might be a bit sour. You can get better ones in the market but this can be satisfactory as well.

16 May, 2020

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Caesar Dressing Plastic Bottle 300 grams

This caesar dressing is one of the best. It goes great with almost all the vegetables and is perfect for a salad. The taste might come out to be a bit intense so you can dilute it with some curd.

16 May, 2020

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Tartare Dip Glass Jar 300 grams

There are only a few brands that sell tartare dips, so this was kind of my only option. It tastes good and can be used as a salad dressing or a dip both. You can also use it as a dip for you french fries.

16 May, 2020

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Peanut Butter Crunchy Plastic Jar 340 grams

This peanut butter is not bad, although it is not the best. The taste is fine and some may find it a bit salty, otherwise i don't think it is bad.

16 May, 2020