Afghani Raisins

Technical Name : Vitis Vinifera


Taste Profile

It is sweeter than other varieties of raisins


Raisins are Afghanistan's top agricultural export and are obtained by dehydrating fresh grapes.Afghani Raisins are dried handpicked, seedless green grapes, produced in Afghanistan. They are dried in the "kishmish khana" away from direct sunlight.They are included in the group of nuts, being the most precious foods for cooking or eating alone. Afghanistan's largest raisin exporter, Tabasom, sources raisins from approximately 3000 growers. Afghan growers typically directly sell their own raisins at local wholesale markets.

Health benefits

  • Afghani raisins have a high amount of potassium. This helps in maintaining sodium-potassium balance in the body which aids in the maintenance of blood pressure. (1)
  • It also has a good content of fiber. Fiber has the ability to absorb water and swell up inside the bowel which maintains its rigidity, helps in bowel movements and aids constipation. (1)
  • They have a considerable amount of iron, which helps in the formation of red blood cells and prevents the onset of anemia which occurs due to lack of iron in the body. (1)
  • They have a good content of boron which helps in the formation of bones and helps in the absorption of iron. (1)
  • Raisins are rich in potassium and magnesium which helps to relieve acidosis as it acts as a natural antacid. (2)
  • Being rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C, it helps in destroying free radicals and the removal of toxins from the body. This also helps in maintaining good skin(2)

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