
Taste Profile

It has a sweet taste and a warm, spicy finish.

Usage Tips

  1. Ajo Rojo garlic can keep much of its flavor when cooked.
  2. It can be sliced and added to pasta sauce or soups or on top of pizzas.


The outer skin of the Ajo Rojo bulb is frequently called “silky” for its look and feel. Aside from that, the bulb has a very distinctive garlic look on the outside. It’s the single cloves that reveal the signature “Rojo” or red color. There are basically eight to twelve cloves per bulb. It's cloves have a pungent aroma with a sweet taste and a warm, spicy finish.The flavor improves over time, on storage.

Selection Guide

Go for large, clean, firm bulbs with unbroken, dry skin.

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