
Taste Profile

Almond flour tastes like almonds.

Usage Tips

  1. Amolnd flour can be used in cakes, cupcakes, cookies, waffles and bread.
  2. It should be stored in a cool, dark place, in a well-sealed container.
  3. It will keep for up to one year.
  4. It can also be stored in the freezer.


Almond flour is a gluten-free nut flour which is made up of ground blanched (no skin) almonds.

Health benefits

  • Almond flour contains monounsaturated fats which are considered a “good” form of cholesterol and help to prevent cardiovascular complications due to high cholesterol, such as atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.(1)
  • It helps to lower the risk of colon cancer.(1)
  • It also helps to boost digestive health.(1)
  • It contains good amount of iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium, which helps to boost the bone mineral density and prevent conditions like osteoporosis.(1)
  • It contains high level of protein, which is important for normal growth and development.(1)


Excess consumption of Almond flour can cause inflammation as it contains notable level of polyunsaturated fatty acids.(2)

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