Amla Juice

Also Known As : Amalaki juice, Nellikai juice, Usirirasam juice
Technical Name : Phyllanthus Emblica


Taste Profile

It has bitter taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Amla juice can be mixed with honey for better flavour.
  2. Amla juice should be prepared and consume immediately and fresh.
  3. It can also be mixed with other juices and added to smoothies.

Common names and forms

  1. Organic Amla Juice
  2. Pure Amla Juice


Amla juice is made from the amla berries. The amla berries are sliced into rough pieces, blended to a smooth pulp and then juice of which is strained. Amla juice is very popular for its numerous benefits.

Health benefits

  • Amla juice is effective to treat cough and cold.(1)
  • It also helps in lowering cholesterol levels and aids in the overall functioning of heart.(1)
  • Amla juice is beneficial for diabetics also as it manages blood sugar levels.(1)
  • Amla juice helps in the detoxification of the body and supports liver functions also.(1)
  • It helps in strengthening digestive system as well.(1)

Selection Guide

Look for fresh looking, juicy and blemishe free amla to make amla juice. When buying readymade amla juice, check the manufacturing date and expiry date.


Over consumption of amla juice can cause stomach cramps. Those who are suffering from hypertension should consult their doctors before consuming amla juice.(2)

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