Amla murabba

Also Known As : Amla ka Murabba


Taste Profile

It has a sweet taste.


Amla murabba is a sweet and spicy relish made using amla which involves boiling the fruit first and then stirring them in spices sugar syrup - murabba. It is a powerhouse of nutrients - polyphenols, vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium and iron among others. Amla murabba has similar benefits of amla powder and amla extract, but it tastes sweet and mostly used as general health tonic. There are many ways to making Amla Murabbas. Amla Murabba ought to be consumed in moderate quantities that is once or twice a day as it is too sweet. It is a rich source of Vitamin C and E and enhances immunity. Amla when consumed as a preservative packed with sugar is not beneficial for people who are diabetic but is best when had raw. It is a healthy sweet candy for children. Amla murabba enhances immunity, sharpens mind and boosts energy level, so it is a great health tonic in Indian culture.

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