Anacyclus Pyrethrum Rt. Powder

Also Known As : Akarkara powder


Taste Profile

It has a pungent taste.


Anacyclus pyrethrum is a perennial herb which is one of the most widely growing species of the family, Asteraceae. It is much like chamomile in appearance and is usually found in Arabian countries, North Africa, Mediterranean Regions and Himalayas in North India. Anacyclus Pyrethrum Rt. Powder is the aromatic powder prepared from the roots of this plant. The roots are brown in color, cylindrical in shape, slightly twisted and are ground to fine powder.

Health benefits

  • Anacyclus Pyrethrum Rt. Powder has anti-viral properties and can help to reduce the symptions of cold and flu.(1)
  • It can be used in the treatment of pyorrhea.(1)
  • It can also help to treat nasal congestion.(1)
  • It can relieve from toothache and gum diseases.(1)
  • It enhances fertility and improves libido in male.(1)
  • It can help to prevent seizures and epileptic attacks.(1)

Selection Guide

Look for Anacyclus Pyrethrum Rt. Powder in its purest form without any additives in it. Also, check for the expiration date on the packaging of Anacyclus Pyrethrum Rt. Powder.


Excessive consumption of Anacyclus Pyrethrum Rt. Powder can cause burning sensation, heartburn, acidity and mouth ulcers. It must not be consumed by pregnant women as it can induce uterine contractions and stimulate uterine bleeding. It made also reduce milk flow in breastfeeding mothers.(2)

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