
Also Known As : Indian sarsaparilla, Anant bel, Sariva
Technical Name : Hemidesmus indicus


Taste Profile

It has sweet, bitter taste.

Common names and forms

  1. Sariva


Anantmool is a slender, twining and semi-erect shrub found throught the India. It has thickened nodes in the cylindrical stem and woody, aromatic, underground roots. It has dark-green, elliptical-oblong to linear-lanceolate shaped leaves, alternatively arranged in a pair. Its flowers have five petals and are found in clusters, greenish in color towards the outside and purplish to yellow-orange on the inside. Its fruits are divergent long follicles, 2-4 inches long. The leaves and roots of the plant are widely used in Ayurveda for their medicinal properties.

Health benefits

  • Anantmool acts as a detoxifying herb that helps to clean the body inside out. It helps in blood purification and improves skin texture.(1)
  • It helps to treat gynecological problems like leucorrhea, menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea.(1)
  • -It is helpful in clearing infections and blocks in the reproductive system of males and females.(1)
  • It has cooling properties that help to neutralize abnormal acid secretion in the gut.(1)
  • It can prove helpful in bringing down high fever.(1)
  • It acts as a good brain tonic and can be given to children with speech disorders and autism.(1)
  • It can also be beneficial for people suffering from depression and psychiatric disorders. (1)

Selection Guide

Anantmool is available in powder form or as anantmool churna(in combination with other herbs).

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