Artificial Permitted Flavours

Also Known As : Artificial flavours


Taste Profile

It has salty, bitter, sour, sweet and umami taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Artificial permitted flavourings can be used in any sweet and savoury dishes.

Common names and forms

  1. Added Permitted Flavors
  2. Permitted Flavourings
  3. Permitted Flavours
  4. Permitted Food Flavouring
  5. Preservatives Permitted Flavour


Artificial permitted flavourings are simply a mixture of chemicals that mimic a natural flavour in some way. There are hundreds of chemicals known to be flavouring agents. They are normally mixed to create known tastes like artificial grape, cherry, orange, apple, banana etc. Artificial permitted flavours are not originally sourced from nature but are permitted to use in food products under FSSAI Regulations.


Artificial permitted flavourings may cause allergic reactions, fatigue, headaches and brain damage. It may also cause seizures, nausea and dizziness.(1)

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