
Also Known As : Ashok, Asok (Hindi), Achenge, Aksunkar (Kannada), Asokam, Hemapushpam (Malayalam), Anagam, Ashogam, Sasubam (Tamil), Asokamu, Vanjulamu (Telugu), Ashoka, Jasundi (Marathi), Asopallaka (Gujarati), Ashok (Punjabi), Ashok (Kashmiri), Anganapriya, Apashaka (Sanskrit), Ashoka tree (English)
Technical Name : Saraca asoca


Taste Profile

It has a bitter and astringent taste.


Ashoka Tree is one of the sacred trees of India. It is distributed throughout India, naturally frequent across regions of South India, Sri Lanka, Orissa, and Assam. It is a small medium-sized erect tree. The Asoka tree has symbolic importance in Buddhism. Queen Maya of Sakya is said to have given birth to the Buddha under an Asoka tree in a garden in Lumbini. The word ‘Ashoka’ means ‘no grief’ in Sanskrit and various parts of this tree are widely used for different medicinal purposes. In Ayurveda, this tree is known for its many health benefits it gives to the body.

Selection Guide

The herb of this tree can act on the uterine muscles and endometrium which helps to treat irregular menstrual cycles, amenorrhea, leucorrhea, fibroids, cysts and other related disorders. (1) Barks or leaves of the Ashoka tree, when consumed act as strong anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agents that help to remove worms from the stomach and thus provide relief from pain and swelling. (1) Seed powder of the Ashoka tree acts as a natural method to control kidney stones. When the seed powder is wrapped in betel leaves and consumed a number of times, it helps to treat asthma as well in people suffering from that illness.(1) The bark and seeds of the Ashoka tree have CNS depressant activity and help to promote sleep due to the presence of flavonoids, glycosides, tannins in the plant extract. (2) Studies have shown that Ashoka can prevent stage-two skin carcinogenesis while being non-toxic to normal lymphocytes. (2) It has shown to reduce the level of the liver and lysosomal enzymes, serum collagen and restore the normal histological architecture of joints therefore preventing rheumatoid arthritis. (2)


People with cardiac disorders and women suffering from amenorrhea must use this herb with caution. (3)

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