
Usage Tips

  1. Batters can be prepared for baked goods like cakes, breads and muffins.
  2. Savoury batters, flavoured with herbs, vegetables are used to make chillas.
  3. Batters made with wheat flour and water are widely used as a coasting on fried products.
  4. Rice batters can used for dosa and idili.

Common names and forms

  1. Batter Mix
  2. Batter of maida and water
  3. For batter
  4. For batter


The batter is a thin dough, prepared by combining dry flours with liquids such as water, milk or eggs. It can also be made by soaking grains in water and grinding them wet until smooth. It can be easily stirred and poured into a pan as it contains higher proportions of liquids, than doughs. In order to cook the batter and set it into solid, some heat is applied to it, usually by frying, baking or steaming. Batters can be sweet or savory, often with either salt or sugar being added, or both. It can also be flavored with spices, herbs, fruits, and vegetables. It is commonly used for cakes, pancakes, and as a coating for fried foods.

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