Black Dates

Also Known As : Kale khajoor


Taste Profile

They have a sweet taste.

Common names and forms

  1. Oman Black Dates


Black Dates is a fruit found on the date palm tree in bunches called drupes, oval-cylindrical in shape. They are about 3-7 cm long and 2-3 cm in diameter. They contain one seed in the centre, covered in thick, sticky flesh. They are red to bright yellow in color when raw that turns to black when it ripes.They can be used as a healthy substitute for sugar and artificial sweeteners.Medjool is the most common variety of black dates.

Health benefits

  • Black Dates are a good source of fiber that supports colon health. It also increase the number of good bacteria in the gut.(1)
  • Dietary fiber present in them also reduces blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels in the body.(1)
  • The sugars in them help to boost energy and stamina in the body. -They boast caffeic acid, vanillic acid, ferulic acid and other antioxidants known to prevent age-related diseases and cellular damage.(1)
  • High antioxidants present in black dates prevent brain from oxidative damage and also prevent neurodegenerative diseases.(1)
  • They are a good source of calcium and phosphorus that can help to increase bone mass and structural strength.(1)

Selection Guide

Look for plump and evenly colored black dates. Their sticky surface may attract dust, so better to go for well packaged black dates.

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