Black Eyed Beans

Also Known As : Black-eyed peas, Lobia, Mulatto-Gelato, Southern peas, Field pea
Technical Name : Vigna unguiculata


Taste Profile

When cooked they have a nutty, earthy and savory flavor.  

Usage Tips

  1. It is best to soak black eyed beans for a period of 5-7 hours before cooking. They can be made into stews, curries or a dip. Tofu, flour, salads and soups are also prepared using them.
  2. Raw and sprouted black eyed beans can be eaten too.
  3. Adding salt brings out the full flavor of the beans but adding salt too soon can make the beans too chewy.
  4. Store them in steel/glass containers away from moisture and heat. They can be frozen for up to 8 months.

Common names and forms

  1. Brown lobia
  2. Cow Pea
  3. Cowpea White
  4. Organic Black Eye Beans
  5. White Lobia


Black-Eyed beans are a variety of beans which belong to the legume family. Fresh Black Eyed beans are enclosed in long, green and black mottled pods. They are mainly used when dry. The beans have a creamy white colour and curved shape and a narrow black circle on the center of the bean's belly, which is known as the 'eye'. The eye is exactly at the point where the bean attaches to the pod. They are medium-sized. The skin of these beans are very thin however they have a firm texture.Black Eye peas are grown during mid-summer to fall(autumn).They were grown since prehistoric times in China and India and these beans are related to the mung bean. Black Eyed beans are a subspecies of cow pea and a member of the Phaseolus vulgaris genus, which is the most widely cultivated family of beans in the world. Black-Eyed Beans are originally from China, but through the slave trade were introduced to America especially in the southern region. They popularly used in American and African cooking and are an essential ingredient in a famous dish in southern America known as 'Hoppin' John' which includes a combination of black-eyed beans, bacon and white rice, traditionally eaten on New Year's Day.These beans are widely eaten because they are tasty without the addition of any spices and turn very soft on cooking, absorbing the flavour of any sauce they are cooked in.The most common commercial variety is the 'California Blackeye', which consists of large oblong beans with a subtle nutty aroma. Black Eyed beans are commonly used in indian cooking and the main ingredient of the dish, "Goan Feijoada."


Health benefits

  • Prevents Anaemia- Black eyed beans are high in iron and folate, the two important nutrients that help build red blood cells in the body.Thus it prevents anaemia.(1)
  • Aids digestion-The large amount of fiber present in black-eyed peas absorbs water in the digestive tract, swells up and moves waste products out of the body. Thus, preventing constipation and helping in good digestion.(1)
  • Gluten-free friendly-They are gluten-free and are preferred as gluten-free food choices in gluten-allergy and celiac disease.(1)
  • Improves Skin and Eye Health- Black-eyed peas are abundant in vitamin A, which is a vital nutrient in maintaining healthy skin and helps in the production of pigments in the retina of the eye, thus strengthening vision.(1)
  • Lower Blood Pressure- These beans are rich in potassium, a mineral that maintains blood pressure at a healthy level in the body and helps prevent heart disease.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose those black-eyed beans that are well-dried, intact and free from insect and mould infestation. It is best to buy them in sealed packaging than the loose ones found in open bins.


Black-eyed beans if not properly boiled may contain antinutrient compounds like trypsin, which may cause digestive issues.(2)

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