Black gram sprout


Usage Tips

  1. Sprouts of kala chana can be consumed as a salad. Simply mix them with chopped onion, tomato, cucumber and a pinch of black salt. Squeeze a lemon and enjoy.
  2. You can also saute it along with carrot, spring onion, capsicum in garlic butter or mayonnaise. Just sprinkle some salt and pepper and you are good to go.


Sprouted black gram are nutritious legumes full of vitamins,fiber,protein and minerals. Sprouting them increases their nutient value and sprouted chickpeas can be easily added to salads, snacks or consumed on their own. Sprouted black chickpeas are believed to be highly nutritious and rich in enzymes which promote good health. It os very easy to making sprouted kala chana at home. Just soak a cup of well washed black chana straight for 12 hours.Once done, rinse and put fresh water and soak again for 12 hours. After 24 hours, drain the water and tranfer the chana to another wet cotton cloth. Leave it hanging in a dark place for 1-2 days and you are good to go.

Selection Guide

Quality of black chickpeas is very important for making quality sprouts so be very careful and buy good quality black chana.

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