Black Sesame Seeds

Also Known As : Kala til, Benniseed, Benne, Benne seed
Technical Name : Sesamum Indicum


Taste Profile

They have a mild bitter taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Black Sesame Seeds can be sprinkled over cereals, rice or noodles.
  2. They can also be added to smoothies and yogurts.
  3. They can be used to garnish dishes or as a crispy coating on snacks as well.

Common names and forms

  1. Black seeds
  2. Black Sesame
  3. Black Til
  4. Dried Black Sesame Seeds
  5. Organic Black Sesame
  6. Roasted Black Sesame
  7. Sesame Seeds Black
  8. Sesame Seeds Black roasted
  9. Sesamum Indicum


Black Sesame Seeds are tiny, flat oval seeds that are black in color and are mostly produced in China and southeast Asia. They have their hulls (shells) intact. They are highly valued for the high oil content in them.

Health benefits

  • Black Sesame Seeds are a good source of vitamin B and iron which provides anti-ageing properties.(1)
  • The seeds contain sesamin that helps to protect the liver against damage caused by free radicals in the body.(1)
  • They contain fiber, lignans and phytosterol that prevents the development of colon cancer.(1)
  • Because of their high fiber content and unsaturated fatty acid content, black sesame seeds help to cure constipation and help in smooth bowel movements.(1)
  • They are a good source of magnesium that helps prevent hypertension.(1)
  • They are rich in calcium and zinc that keeps the bones strong and prevents Osteoporosis.(1)

Selection Guide

Check for the "use-by" date on the packaging of Black Sesame Seeds. Make sure there is no evidence of moisture in them and also the seeds are free from stones and dust. Buy in less quantity as they are high in oil content and become rancid easily.

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