Broad Beans

Also Known As : Bell Beans, Fava Beans
Technical Name : Vicia faba


Taste Profile

Its taste is sweet and mild grassy.  

Usage Tips

  1. Broad beans can be added to soups and salads.
  2. They can be used to make spreads and served as appetizers.
  3. They can be prepared with spring vegetables such as asparagus, morel mushrooms and peas.

Common names and forms

  1. Fava Beans
  2. Sem seeds


Broad beans are tender, thick and have lemon lime colour. They have a starchy to creamy texture depending upon how young they are and how they are prepared.

Health benefits

  • Broad beans can help to reduce the risk of birth defects.(1)
  • They contain manganese which helps to build stronger bones and prevents osteoporosis.(1)
  • They provide magnesium to the body which helps to eliminate hypertension and reduces the risk of heart diseases.(1)
  • They also provide good amount of copper which helps to make healthy blood cells.(1)
  • They contain iron which helps to reduce fatigue and provides energy to the body.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose broad beans that have bright green colour and have thick skin.


Broad beans contains levodopa which may cause vitamin B6 deficiency in the body. This may cause depression too. People who are on anti-depressants,must avoid having broad beans.(2)

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