Brown Rice Flour


Taste Profile

It has mild nutty taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Brown rice flour can be used for baked goods like cakes, muffins, pancakes and breads.
  2. It can also be used as a thickening agent for gravies and sauces.


Brown rice flour is a gluten-free flour obtained by grinding brown rice grains to a fine powder. It has creamy almond color with smooth texture.

Health benefits

  • Brown Rice Flour is a good source of fiber that helps to prevent weight gain, colon cancer and the risk of developing metabolic syndrome.(1)
  • It lowers bad cholesterol levels that help to promote better cardiovascular health.(1)
  • It has anticancer properties that fights the growth of cancer cells in the body.(1)
  • It contains manganese and magnesium that promotes bone health.(1)
  • It is rich in selenium that helps to improve immune system.(1)

Selection Guide

Go for organic brown rice flour. Also check for the "use-by" date on its packaging. Make sure it has no hint of moisture in it.

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