Bulgur wheat

Also Known As : Cracked wheat, Bulgur, Burghul, Bulghur


Taste Profile

It has a nutty flavour.

Usage Tips

  1. When cooking, avoid lifting the lid, as bulgur needs no stirring.
  2. Do not rinse it before cooking.
  3. Bulgur can be used in meatloaf, stews, casseroles and sauces for Mexican or Italian dishes.

Common names and forms

  1. Bulgur


Bulgur wheat is a whole wheat grain that has been cracked and partially pre-cooked. It originated in Middle Eastern cuisine. It is traditionally used to make tabbouleh and pilafs. It is pale brown in color. It can be used in pilafs, soups and baked goods.

Health benefits

  • Bulgur wheat  helps to reduce the risk of diabetes.(1) 
  • Consumption of bulgur wheat helps to protect the body from metabolic syndrome such as obesity, high triglyceride levels and high blood pressure.(1)
  • It contains fiber that may reduce the chance of developing cancer.(1) 
  • It helps to lower the risk of high blood pressure.(1)

Selection Guide

Bulgur can get spoiled quickly, so buy small amounts from a source whose stocks sell fast.


Overconsumption of bulgar wheat might increase bloating and gas problems.(2)

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