Cacao Beans

Technical Name : Theobroma cacao


Taste Profile

It has a bitter and chocolaty flavor.

Usage Tips

  1. It can be used to make brewed hot chocolate, smoothies, shakes and chocolate milk.It can be used instead of chocolate powder or chocolates for making brownie.
  2. It can be used to make crispy and tasty nutella tarts.

Common names and forms

  1. Cacao
  2. Organic Cacao Beans
  3. Organic Whole Cacao Beans


Cacao beans are produced from beans derived from the Theobroma cacao tree, also known as the cocoa tree and belong to the genus Theobroma. It is widely distributed from southeastern Mexico to the Amazon basin. A mature cacao tree produces fruit in the form of elongated pods; it may yield up to 70 such fruits annually. The pods, or cherelles, range in colour from bright yellow to deeppurple. Each pod has numerous ridges running along its length and holds 20 to 60 seeds or beans. Many varieties of cacao exist which can be grouped into three divisions: forastero, criollo, and trinitario. Forastero varieties are most commonly used in commercial production, whereas criollo varieties are very susceptible to disease and are not grown widely. Trinitario is a hybrid of the forastero and criollo varieties and produces flavorful beans.

Health benefits

  • Raw cacao has over 40 times more antioxidants than blueberries. The antioxidants help to absorb free which can cause cell and tissue damage and lead to diseases such as cancer.(1)
  • Cacao is the highest plant-based source of iron. Iron plays a vital role in supplying oxygen to cells in different parts of the body and also prevents anemia.(1)
  • Having potential stores of magnesium it is important for a healthy heart, and helps to turn glucose into energy enabling the brain to work with attentiveness, clarity and focus.(1)
  • It is a rich source of bliss chemicals – serotonin, tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylethylamine known as neurotransmitters. They enhance feelings of wellbeing, happiness, and can even suppress depression.(1)
  • Due to its dietary fiber content, cacao beans also improve digestion. Fiber holds the ability to swell up and aid the peristaltic movements of bowel thus preventing constipation.(2)

Selection Guide

Make sure the beans are not broken or irregularly discolored as it indicates worm or mold infestation. Ensure to check “use-by” date in case of buying packaged cacao beans to avoid any contamination.


Cacao also contains theobromine which acts as a stimulant. Along with caffeine, it can cause sleeplessness, anxiety, abnormal heart rhythm, and heartburn. Pregnant women should be very careful about consuming lots of raw cacao. Caffeine may be able to cross the placental barrier and may be associated with premature labour and even miscarriage.(3)

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