Cacao nib

Technical Name : Theobroma cacao


Taste Profile

They have a little bitter, nutty, and slightly chocolaty taste. 

Usage Tips

  1. Cacao nibs can be blended into smoothies.
  2. They can also be added to trail mixes and yogurts.
  3. They can be sprinkled on top of smoothies or ice creams.
  4. They can be used to decorate frosted cupcakes.
  5. It can be paired with quinoa, chia seeds and coconut.
  6. Cacao nibs can be added to salads with citrus fruits, bell peppers and broccoli to give a distinct flavour.

Common names and forms

  1. Cocoa Nibs (Roasted)
  2. Organic Cacao Nibs
  3. Roasted Cacao Nibs


Cacao nibs are produced from beans derived from the cacao tree. There are two types of cacao nibs such as roasted cacao nibs and raw cacao nibs. They are the raw, pure form of unsweetened chocolate. They are the bits of cacao beans that are left once the dried beans are roasted, cracked, and shelled. They have a texture similar to that of roasted coffee beans.

Health benefits

  • Cacao Nibs are full of fiber and help in better digestion.(1)
  • They contain good amount of antioxidants that help to prevent premature aging and skin damage.(1)
  • They are rich in magnesium that promotes proper muscle functioning and also regulates blood pressure.(1)
  • They also contain high amount of potassium in them which is essential for health.(1)
  • They are a wonderful source of iron and prevent iron deficiency.(1)
  • They work on neurotransmitters that help to enhance mood.(1)

Selection Guide

Select sugar-free and pure form of Cacao Nibs. Look for organic and high quality cacao nibs. Check for the "use-by" date on their packaging.


Those who are sensitive to caffeine and have anxiety issues must avoid cacao nibs because it may affect sleep patterns. Cacao nibs contains high fat and calories, so it should be consumed in moderate quantity.(2)

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