
Common names and forms

  1. Any flavoured cake slices
  2. For the cakes
  3. Homemade eggless cake crumbles any flavour
  4. Leftover Sponge cake (any flavour)


A cake is basically a kind of sponge made by combining flour, eggs, sugar, butter/oil, vanilla essence. When combined properly, it is baked at a called temperature in the oven. There are different kinds of cakes, pound cake, in which all ingredients are in the same proportions. Another of its kind is the basic sponge cake, in which only egg, flour, essence and sugar are used, thus the eggs and the sugar are well aerated, then the flour is lightly folded in, this kind of cake sponge is primarily used for making pastry. Another similar one is the genoise sponge, the same as that of the basic sponge cake, the only addition is the butter or the oil, while the preparation is the same as that of the basic sponge. 

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