California Walnuts

Technical Name : Juglans californica


Taste Profile

They have a mild and sweet taste.

Usage Tips

  1. California Walnuts can be sprinkled on cereal, and can also be added to salads.
  2. They can simply be eaten alone as a snack.
  3. They can also be added to both sweet and savoury baking and they are perfect for adding to brownies and muffins for flavour.
  4. Store them in refrigerator to ensure long-lasting freshness.


California Walnuts are large, smooth, and oval shaped nut. They are soft in texture. They are available throughout the year. They are harvested late August through November.

Health benefits

  • California Walnuts helps to maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.(1)
  • They helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.(1)
  • They are full of omega-3 fatty acid, which is good for bone health.(2)
  • They also help to lose weight.(2)

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