Cassia Bark

Technical Name : Cinnamomum cassia


Taste Profile

It has sweet and savoury flavour.

Usage Tips

  1. Cassia bark can be used as a flavouring agent.
  2. It can be used for marinades, dressings and beverages.
  3. It can be used in bakery goods as well.
  4. Cassia bark can be used in powder form.

Common names and forms

  1. Organic Cassia (Bark)


Cassia bark is a type of cinnamon in the form of neat quills or sticks. The barks are thick and have a rough texture. It is an aromatic bark which is used as a spice.

Health benefits

  • Cassia bark is used to treat gastrointestinal distress like diarrhea and gas.(1)
  • It is also helpful to stimulate appetite.(1)
  • Cassia bark is beneficial to treat infections caused by bacteria and parasitic worms.(1)
  • It is also effect to get relief from menstrual cramps.(1)
  • It is also effective to treat common cold and flu.(1)

Selection Guide

Look for reddish- brown cassia barks.


Diabetics should consume cassia bark carefully as it might lower blood sugar levels in type-2 diabetes. It should not be consumed during or after surgery.(2)

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