
Taste Profile

It has a herbal taste with mild floral notes.

Common names and forms

  1. Pure Chamomile Tea Cut


Chamomile tea is a beverage which is obtained from chamomile flower, a herb from Asteraceae plant family. Dried chamomile flowers are infused in hot water to prepare chamomile tea.

Health benefits

  • Chamomile tea induces sleep and help those suffering from sleep apnea and restless sleep.(1)
  • It helps to improve digestion.(1)
  • It contains the antioxidant, apigenin that helps to fight against cancer cells in the body.(1)
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties that helps to treat stomach and intestinal cramps.(1)
  • It regulates the amount of insulin in the body and keeps blood sugar level in control.(1)
  • It lowers blood pressure level and bad cholesterol levels in the body and is beneficial for a healthy heart.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose dried chamomile from whole flower heads to get a better flavour and benefits.


Chamomile tea can cause nausea and vomiting if consumed excessively. Those who take blood thinning medications must avoid chamomile tea. Chamomile tea must also be avoided by those who are allergic to daisy or aster family plants.(2)

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