
Usage Tips

  1. Chicken sausage can be served in soups, omelettes, casseroles, sandwiches, pasta and even on pizzas. It can be served with spaghetti, pot orzo, white beans, sweet potatoes or pesto sauce. It can also be used as spicy fillings in pancakes and burgers.


Chicken sausage is a cylindrical roll that consists of minced chicken, mixed with fat or skin along with salt, spices and other flavourings. They are available in different varieties like cooked, uncooked, smoked or dry sausages. They can be used in stews, soups, casseroles and a variety of savoury dishes.

Health benefits

  • Chicken sausage is a good source of iron that helps carry oxygen throughout the body.(1)
  • It is a good source of protein for the body.(1)

Selection Guide

Chicken sausages are available in different flavour(herbed, chilly spiced, peppered, cheese stuffed) and the treatment (smoked, cured, uncooked and aged). Select according to your use.


Chicken sausage is high in sodium, being processed meat. It can increase the risk of high blood pressure if consumed in large quantities.It is high in fat and too much fat increases the risk of heart diseases.(2)

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