
Taste Profile

It has dark-coffee like flavour.

Usage Tips

  1. Chicory root can be ground and used as a coffee substitute.
  2. Chicory root can be grilled or steamed and can be added to salads and pastas for flavour.

Common names and forms

  1. Chicory Root Fiber
  2. Roasted Chicory
  3. Roasted Chicory Root


Chicory root is a white to cream color root obtained from the plant of the dandelion family that has blue flowers. It has a wood-like appearance. It is considered as a substitute to coffee.

Health benefits

  • Chicory root helps to reduce stress level.(1)
  • It increases the level of adiponectin in the body that regulates blood sugar level.(1)
  • It protects liver from free radicals and reduces the risk of liver toxicity.(1)
  • It helps treat osteoarthritis.(1)
  • It gives relief from acid reflux and heartburn.(1)
  • It contains inulin that prevents constipation and manages weight.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose clean and dust free chicory root. Roasted and ground chicory must be preferred for instant use.


Chicory root may cause menstruation and miscarriage during pregnancy. It may cause allergic reactions to those who are also allergic to ragweed or related plants. Those with gallstones must avoid it as it stimulates bile production.(2)

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"Information here is provided for discussion and educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice or product or ingredient review/rating. The information may not apply to you and before you use or take any action, you should contact the manufacturer, seller, medical, dietary, fitness or other professional. If you utilize any information provided here, you do so at your own risk and you waive any right against Culinary Communications Private Limited, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees or representatives.”