Chilli Garlic Sauce


Taste Profile

It has a spicy and sour taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Chilli Garlic Sauce can be used in pasta, burgers, sandwiches, soups and noodles.
  2. It can be used as a dipping sauce for stir-fries and spring rolls.


Chilli Garlic Sauce is a bright red sauce prepared with chillies, garlic and vinegar. It has Chinese or Veitnamese origin. It can be used to add a strong chilli flavour to any dish and can also be used as a dip as well.

Selection Guide

When buying chilli garlic sauce in packaged form, check for its "best before" date on the packaging to confirm its freshness. To make garlic paste at home, look for crisp, unwrinkled chillies. Choose firm garlic heads with no soft cloves.

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