China Grass

Also Known As : Agar- agar, ramie


Taste Profile

It has a neutral flavor and is usually used in combination with food essence

Usage Tips

  1. It can be used to make jellies, puddings, and custards.
  2. Traditionally it is used in a Japanese dish called anmitsu (a dessert made of small cubes of agar jelly served in a bowl with various fruits or other ingredients).
  3. Always dissolve agar-agar for 30 minutes before using it in any recipe.
  4. It can be used as an alternative to gelatin in mousses and cheesecakes.


China grass is another name for agar agar. It is a jelly-like substance obtained from red algae that is naturally present as seaweed in nature. It belongs to the Rhodophyta (red algae) phylum. Seaweed is the common name for countless species of marine plants and algae that grow in the oceans, rivers, and lakes. It is made up of a mixture of two components namely- agarose (a linear polysaccharide) and agaropectin (a heterogeneous mixture of smaller molecules). China grass is believed to be discovered in Japan. With its newfound uses in microbiology, agar production increased manifolds after its introduction. It is produced mainly in Japan, South America, and Mediterranean countries.

Health benefits

  • Since china grass is a concentrated source of fiber, it can be used as an excellent weight loss agent. Fiber has the ability to absorb water and swell thereby giving a feeling of fullness for a long duration of time. This automatically reduces the appetite and helps in weight loss. (1) 
  • China grass has the potential to fight against digestive problems like gastric disturbances, heartburn, and inflammation of the GI tract in children. (2) 
  • China grass has high protein content from seaweed which has the potential to boost memory and help in brain development. (2) 
  • Another advantage of consuming agar is that it helps to deal with a sore throat. It may help to reduce the swelling and reduce the pain. (2) 
  • China grass has a natural laxative effect. It has the tendency to bulk up inside the body and aid in bowel movements and prevent constipation. (3) 
  • Agar has the tendency to absorb bile and reduce cholesterol levels in the body. (3) 

Selection Guide

Ensure that the packaging is intact and does not have pores or open areas as it will facilitate the entry of microbes. Choose the package where sheets are in the form of dried strips as it is easy to store and use.


  •   Agar agar should not be a meal replacement as excessive consumption can lead to flatulence. (4) 
  • Since there is insufficient reliable information about the safety of agar during pregnancy its consumption should be avoided by pregnant women. (5) 
  • When ingested with insufficient fluid, china grass may cause esophageal or bowel obstruction. (5) 

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